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Works on any device, iOS or Android, phone or tablet.
Incorporated Ekotrope InspectionSYNC - direct transfer of field data back to Ekotrope. 

More Inspections

Less Paper

Speed Energy Certifications & Cut Inspection Time by Hours

Streamline HERS® data collection and back-office processing with EnergySMAC 

The EnergySMAC app allows you to quickly and accurately capture field data using the built-in capabilities of ANY smartphone or tablet.


By ditching paper and digitizing your inspections, you'll cut field data collection time, increase data accuracy and speed your energy efficiency certifications.

Instantly readies data for review, QA and digital submittal.

Speeds certifications with digital HERS® submission.

Upload pictures, scan material barcodes, take text and audio notes and capture signatures all from your phone or tablet.

Add location (lat-lon), and lookup of stored data (such as equipment information, etc.) based on field findings to your inspection process.

Generate custom report for your customer, utilities, code officials or others.

Portrait of Smiling Man

With EnergySmac I’ve gotten my nights and weekends back cutting over 1.5 hours per house from the HERS field inspection and submittal process

Dillon Payne, HERS Rater
Why did we build EnergySMAC?

EnergySMAC was conceived in the field.  As a certified RESNET rating company and rating provider, we lived the tedious process of collecting and submitting energy ratings “by hand”.  With today’s rapidly advancing mobile technology, we knew there had to be a better way.  


Our goal with EnergySMAC is to build a completely paperless energy rating process to reduce data entry errors and save overall time in inspections and tests.


What does SMAC stand for?
S is for Software, Solutions, Simple, Savings, Services, and Simulation
M is for Measurements, Modeling, and Mathematics
A is for Applications/Apps, Analysis, and Analytics
C is for Calculations, Comparisons, Connections, and Cost effective

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